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Guests - Daryl | ||
A Very Warm Welcome to Daryl
I would like to offer a very warm welcome to a man who
needs no introduction. If you were to ask a hundred magicians
to name their top ten, I am sure that this man would be near
the top of each of these lists. Our next Special Guest is
Daryl, a man who has become a household name on so many peoples'
lips. As you may guess, Daryl is a very busy and well-sought after magician and so I would like to offer the following gesture to Daryl, in order to allow him to fit our forum into his very busy professional schedule. This forum will remain open for the period of one week to allow for the collection of questions and then the forum will be temporarily closed and the questions emailed to Daryl, so that he can answer these in his own time. Therefore, there will be a pause before the questions are answered and during this time, this forum will be hidden to allow Daryl as much time as he needs to answer the questions. After this period, the answers will be attached to the questions and the forum will be re-opened to allow you to pursue the full range of threads. I hope that, in this way, Daryl can accommodate us and fit our requests into his very busy life style. I shall look forward to seeing a wide range of questions over the following week. This forum will temporarily shut on Sunday 11th May to allow time for Daryl to compose his replies. Oliver
Gratten: Hi Daryl, I have always been a great admirer of your work and was wondering...what provoked you to create your own line of effects? Also, what is your favourite effect of all time to watch, and to perform? Many thanks, (You can probably expect more questions from me later) Oliver Daryl:
Oliver, The first
magic item I ever produced for sale was a set of lecture notes
when I was seventeen or eighteen years old. I sold about 35
sets at my first lecture for $3.00 each. In addition to my
fee, I earned more than $100.00! However my inspiration for
continuing to produce and market magic items has been the
belief that we should all give back to magic as much, or more
as we take out. This way the art will continue to thrive and
move forwards. My favorite
effect to watch was Fred Kaps smoking his thumb. My favorite
effect to perform is the Jumping Knot of Pakistan (which you
may have seen on my Rope Videos – Vol. 8). Shaun
Robinson: Hi Daryl, thanks for taking the time out to
speak with us, it is much appreciated! I would like to know how you feel your performance style has evolved and why is has. I watch your old, and I do mean old lecture videos, and you seem to have changed quite a bit. This is also true of Williamson, although I prefer Williamson's older style, but think your new style is great. Thanks for your reply Daryl:
Shaun, My performing
style has evolved because I have evolved as a person. I now
feel more confident and relaxed than I did when I was beginning
and I hope this shows in my performances. As I get older,
I value my time more than ever before and as a result, I respect
other people’s time as well. I try to get to the point quickly
and not waste audience’s time with "filler". Michael
Jay: Hi Daryl, welcome to our forums and thank you so
very much for taking your time to do this for us. Words cannot
express my appreciation. I'd like to know at what point in your life you decided that going full pro and teaching to magicians was your calling. Was it specifically at an age or time in your life that you just said to yourself, "I can make a go of this and do pretty well for myself," or was it more along the lines of a slow transition where life simply led you to? I hope that makes sense! Thank you again. Mike. Daryl:
Mike, I do not
believe that there was a specific time in my life when I made
a conscious decision to become a professional magician. It
was a long and slow (yet pleasurable) journey. I performed
for several years as a child and as a teenager for very little
or no money, including street performing in San Francisco.
As I gained more and more experience, I slowly increased my
fees as I was performing more and more often. The next thing
I knew, I was earning enough to make a living before I left
home. Kevin
Wratten: I have all 8 'Encyclopaedia of Card Sleights'
and I find them a great learning tool. What prompted you to
make these videos and what made you choose the particular
contents that are included on the volumes. Thanks in advance, Kevin. Daryl:
Kevin, I decided
to make the card sleights videos because I remember how difficult
it was for me to learn sleight of hand technique from the
printed page. I didn’t know what the technique was supposed
to look like and there was no one I knew who could teach me. Many years
later, Louis (president of L&L Publishing) contacted me
because he had the idea of producing the series and he heard
that I was already working on a similar project independently. I choose
the specific sleights to be included in the contents because
I thought they represented the "basics" with enough variations
for each student to select his or her particular favorite
techniques. You may only need one or two "forces" for example,
but if I teach you ten different techniques, you can choose
to master the methods you prefer. Graham:
As a busy professional, both for laymen and peers, how
do you resist the temptation to switch onto autopilot? I noticed
during our conversation at Blackpool that some of your patter
lines slipped into the conversation, and wondered if you feel
the lines becoming blurred due to constant performing. Kind regards, Graham Daryl:
Graham, I realize
that I do occasionally slip into "autopilot" (while performing)
particularly when I’m over tired. I don’t think the lines
are blurred from constant performing as much as I feel most
of my patter lines come from my everyday life. When I perform
an effect for the first time, I do not plan my patter. I just
say what comes naturally. Most of what I said originally stays
then I add jokes and bits later to increase the entertainment
value. Bergy:
Hi Daryl Thank you for the chance to ask you a few questions. Now you are so successful what ambitions do you have in magic now? Also who were your greatest influences? Thanks again Bergy Daryl:
Bergy, Now that
Caesars Magical Empire has closed and I have moved my family
to the country, I would like to find a new "regular/steady"
performing outlet. My greatest
influences (I’m going to assume that you mean magicians) were:
Dai Vernon, Slydini, Fred Kaps, and Brother John Hamman. Daniel
Price: Hey
Daryl, My question
is a "what if". The only professional magician I know of that has another job is John Bannon (although there are probably many, many more) who is a lawyer and a professional and published magician (though I hear his career as a lawyer has surpassed his career as a professional magician on the failure to release his "cardzilla" book). What job do you think you would do if you weren’t a magician? Daryl:
Daniel, If I were
not a magician, I’d probably be some kind of pitchman. That
way I could continue to perform and have the instant gratification
of the response – of course in the case of a pitchman that
would also mean people fighting to give me hands full of cash!
Failing that, I’ve fantasized about being a professional blackjack
player who travels around the world being comped at the finest
hotel casinos, eating at the best restaurants, and seeing
the best shows, while earning big bucks! Nigel:
Many pop stars have writers who compose their music and
set their lyrics, do you have a team who provide inspiration
for your effects or are these the result of your own inspiration? Daryl:
Nigel, I do not
have a team of helpers, and I’m happy to say that I look for
my own inspiration. Nigel:
You may have heard of the hot air balloon game: Ten different people are caught in a sinking hot air balloon travelling over the ocean and then the balloon starts to sink towards the sea. One-by-one each person has to explain why he/she should remain and then, after they have all spoken, one of them is thrown out, in order to save the others. What would you say, as a professional magician, to defend your place in the balloon? Daryl:
Nigel, First,
I’d offer to play a quick hand of Three Card Monte for my
place in the balloon! Just kidding! I’d explain
that what I do brings pleasure to countless people. More important
than that, is the fact that I teach others to do what I do
so that they may bring pleasure to countless people as well.
These new people who experience the magic may be inspired
to learn magic and spread the pleasure as well. I plant the
seeds and the number of people who enjoy the benefits multiplies
like the inverted base of a pyramid. Sam:
As a respected Full time, professional magician what would
be the one piece of advice you would give to any magician
new to the art form if they wished to further their career. Daryl:
Sam, Learn
simple, sure-fire, angle-proof commercial effects that you
can perform under any conditions. Master them and perform
them flawlessly then add an interesting presentation! Don’t
waste your time with difficult and complicated methods. Damien:
Hi Daryl, so nice of you to join us What is your full list of regular venues that you perform in? By this I mean the environments and types of places such as restaurants, parties etc. Also which one of these is your favourite? Best wishes Damien Daryl:
Damien, At the
moment, I have no "regular" performing venues. My last regular
performing venue was Caesars Magical Empire in Caesars Palace,
Las Vegas where I performed six shows a night, five nights
a week. I still perform at corporate and private parties as
they present themselves. My favorite
performing venue is a straight "show" where the audience members
purchased their tickets and they’re sitting down in a theatre
setting waiting for the performance to begin. Nigel:
When we are young, the world is our oyster and our thoughts
are full of ambitions. As the years progress we achieve more
and more and hopefully we approach our ambitions. Where would you say that you are on this path? Are there additional targets that you have set yourself as you achieve those earlier ones that you have set yourself? Daryl:
Nigel, New targets?
Yes, always. As soon as I achieve one goal, I replace it with
a new (and better) one. This way, one keeps moving upwards
and this, I believe, is one of the biggest secrets of success.
I believe that the day we stop setting goals for ourselves
and stop working toward achieving them is the day we begin
to die. I’m very
happy to say that I have achieved every goal that I have set
for myself. My next
main goal is to find the right house to buy in the Sierra
foothills of Northern California. Alison and I know what we
want and we’ve been looking for several months now. We will
never give up because we both know that the perfect house
could be the very next one we see. WelshWizard:
Do you think that videos (instructional) are threatening
to magic in the long run? I own magic videos and they are
great. For instance, sometimes books are just badly written
or the descriptions are hard to understand (like the RRTCM;
when I first bought this great book and began reading 'place
the first phalanx at the short end...' I was confused). However,
I still think I'd rather have a good magic book or booklet
than a video. Also, If a layperson were to ask you 'where do you learn this?' would you say that it is partly from videos. Personally, I wouldn't tell laymen magic is nowadays learnt from videos because it takes away from the illusion or how they see you. I would be apprehensive to say videos because I think it would degrade their idea of magic as a serious art. Daryl:
WelshWizard, This is
a very interesting question and I suspect an entire book could
be written about the pros and cons of videos versus books.
Yes, I
agree that there are some negative points about teaching magic
on videos. My main concern is that it makes our secrets too
easy to obtain. Because it takes more effort learn a secret
technique from a book, we probably value it more and, as a
result, treat it with more respect. This may include taking
the time and effort to learn to perform the technique properly.
When volumes of information are easily available to anyone
on a video or DVD, they may tend to give it less value and
perhaps treat it with less respect. On the
other hand, the more information that is available, the more
magicians that will be created. This will, hopefully, increase
the body of knowledge that will be shared by all. This should
help magic progress forward. If someone
asked me where I learned something, I’d say, "It’s a mystery!"
If someone truly expressed an interest in learning magic,
I’d recommend they visit their local library. Kevin
Wratten: There’s
an old quote: What gets you motivated and inspired to create your award winning routines, and original conceptions? Thanks again, Kevin. Daryl:
Kevin, First,
I picture (visualize) something that I’d like to see performed.
Next (and this is the fun part), I try to figure out a way
to perform it. My inspiration comes from wanting the final
result to look as close to perfect (as magical) as possible.
Very often, an excellent solution has already been created.
If that is the case, I use the method that was invented by
someone else. If not, I create my own method. Remember: the
effect comes first, then the method. Kevin
Wratten: Have you ever felt the urge to move onto large
stage illusions, with showgirls and boxes–and perform on
the world's largest stages? If not do you think you ever will? If 'no' what makes/made you decide? Thanks, Kevin. Daryl:
Kevin, No, never.
I’ve never wanted the large number of problems that go along
with big stage productions. Having said that, I often think
that someday I’ll perform a "small" act that can be performed
on the largest stages. I’m inspired by the magic of Gaeton
Bloom! I’m of the "plays big, packs small" school of magic. Mike:
Hi Daryl, I met you briefly back in February at the Blackpool
Winter Gardens convention we had a chat regarding Darwin Ortiz
look alike? Anyway thanks for taking time out to answer the
various forum topics. Q1 Is there anything in the pipeline for future video releases? Q2 Are you working on anything new at the minute? Q3 Aside from magic how's Alison & your baby daughter? Regards to one of the best in the business. Daryl:
Mike, Q1: Yes,
but nothing that I can talk about at the moment. Q2: Yes,
several things. I released my new "impossible" mentally selected
cards across effect (called "Double Crossed") at the Blackpool
convention, but I have not really marketed it yet. I think
that this will be my next step. Q3: Alison
and my seven and a half month old daughter Laura are both
doing great! Thanks for asking. Sean
McQuade: Hey Daryl. This isn't really my question. Another
member of the board asked it to Milt Kort, but I liked it
and thought I should ask it to you as well
Sean, I wish
that I invented the Paul Curry effect "Out of this World".
It’s a miracle! Sean
You were at Blackpool this year for the big convention. Did
you enjoy it? I'm not sure, but is this the first time you've
been to it and will you be coming back to Blackpool again? Daryl:
Sean, I always
enjoy the Blackpool convention. In my opinion, the Blackpool
Magicians convention is the BEST convention in the world! I believe
that the 2003 convention was my 4th appearance
and I hope to attend many more in the years to come. Kevin
Wratten: Hi again Daryl, another tough question. Complete this sentence with no more than 10 words. Daryl's performance character is.......... Daryl:
Kevin, � light-hearted,
carefree, fun-loving, effortless, skilful, masterful, natural,
and impossible! Thanks,
that was fun! Oliver
Gratten: Hi Daryl, I was just wondering how you would compare yourself to other magicians...what makes you different from them? Also, how would you say magic differs from other performance arts, what are the highs and lows of it compared to other arts? Regards, Daryl:
Oliver, I’m different
because I’m me. I look different, I was raised differently,
I live in a different place, I have different opinions, preferences,
desires, values, etc., etc., etc. The list goes on. By the
way, it’s not just me, everyone is different from everyone
else and that’s what makes the whole thing so interesting! Magic
is very different from other performance arts because virtually
anyone could learn to perform a simple trick with very little
effort. Instantly, this person believes that he or she is
a "magician". The sad thing is, if the simple trick is performed
well enough, the average person will not know that the performer
spent very little time and effort to "master" their craft.
This is a shameful low point. With every other performance
art, I believe that the average person will realize that a
tremendous amount of time, effort, and dedication was spent
learning their craft. A high
point is, when magic is expertly performed, it is one of the
most beautiful things to behold. I think of such performances
as Fred Kaps smoking his thumb, Slydini and his one coin routine,
and Teller performing "Shadows". These performances make me
proud to call myself a magician. Daryl
Moores: Hi Daryl, thanks for taking the time to share
your wisdom with us at Magic Bunny My two questions are. 1. With you being so famous at performing card effects will anyone play cards with you and would you be allowed in a casino to gamble? 2. In your Card Revelation series are the audience fellow magicians, friends or complete strangers. Once again thanks for your time. Regards Daryl Daryl:
Daryl, The only
time I play cards is in a casino. And yes, they allow me to
play (my money is as good as anyone’s!). The audiences
use for the Card Revelations videos are mostly laypeople with
a few magicians here and there. Darren:
First a big thank you for giving so much to magic, you
must be one of the biggest influence to many magicians, I
know you had a great deal to do with my development in card
magic (your to blame!!)I’ve spent many hours watching your
tapes with cards in hands. Question to you spend more time teaching magic than performing it now? And who was your biggest influence during your early stages of becoming a magician? And if you had to define the word "magician" how would you? Darren Daryl:
Darren, At the
moment, probably teaching. Lately, I’ve written a new set
of lecture notes and instructions for two new releases (I’d
consider that "teaching"). I’d say
it’s a tie between Dai Vernon and Slydini. Dai Vernon for
"naturalness" and Slydini for misdirection. A magician
is one who can do that which is impossible. YinHoNg:
Thanks for reading my post in advance Daryl. I was just wondering if you could answer the following questions 1) Do u have a philosophy for Magic or for life? 2) Is there anyone you aspire to or take inspiration from? 3) What is the best advice you could give to a young magician hoping to grow into the business? Thanks again and I wish you the very best in the future. One last quick question= when are you coming to the Daryl:
YinHoNg, This is
a big question. My philosophy for magic is: Use your power
only for good. For life: Take responsibility and leave things
better than you found them. At them
moment, I’m most inspired by Juan Tamariz and Geaton Bloom. It’s much
better to perform a few simple and easy mysteries perfectly
than a lot of complicated and difficult tricks poorly. Dai
Vernon used to say "Be natural" and "Confusion is not magic". I have
no plans for the Darren
(nippy99): Hi Daryl Welcome to Magic Bunny and thanks for taking the time to answer our questions. Firstly, thanks for making me spend lots of money at Blackpool. With some of your great video offers how could I possibly resist? ![]() I have a question regarding your Ultra-Monte effect, which was one of your new items at Blackpool. Having seen the effect I thought it was amazing. I spent many hours practising the routine and the first performance went very well. I removed the four Aces from my full deck and it blew the audience away. However, the second time I performed it I did exactly the same. Then some loud mouth said he knew how it was done and preceded to tell everyone. I told him he was completely wrong and refused to show him anymore. In actual fact he was absolutely correct. So my questions are.... Q, How would you handle a spectator who proceeded to tell the world how the effect was done? Q, After the second performance I now have no confidence to perform it again. Was this just bad luck? Have you had a similar incident? Could I do something different next time? Thanks very much for your contribution to magic community –it is most appreciated. Best Wishes Darren Daryl:
Darren, When performing
with gimmicks, you run the risk of getting caught in this
type of situation. This is the price you pay for using the
easier (non sleight-of-hand) method. If I ever
got caught in your situation, I don’t think I’d argue with
the guy and tell him he’s wrong. If he told you to prove it
and let him see the cards, you’d look very foolish and you’d
have no out. I’d probably tell him he’s right, but "Let’s
keep it a secret" and then smoothly move on to the next mystery
(maybe even a "sucker" trick to set him up). Don’t worry.
He didn’t really "tell the world". In the grand scheme of
things it’s just one embarrassing moment while performing
a simple little trick for a small group of people in one city,
in one country, on one continent on earth. Life goes on and
after a few moments, all will be forgotten. Keep performing
the routine. Don’t let this one rude person prevent you and
your future audiences the pleasure of experiencing this wonderful
mystery. By the
way, I like your idea of removing the aces from a full deck
in preparation of performing this routine. It’s a subtle "convincer"
that the cards are perfectly ordinary. You’re thinking along
the right lines. Keep it up! Edward:
I unfortunately missed your last lecture trip in the Edward Daryl:
Edward, Thank
you for your kind words and interest. My wife Alison and I
spent two years touring the world and we presented about 250
lectures in 25 different countries. We have a daughter now
and we plan to spend a lot more time together at home. I have
no plans on touring in the near future. Graham:
Daryl; If Laura were now, say, nine years old and expressed a wish to follow in her parent's magical footsteps, what advice would you give her? Boiling this all down to six top tips for learning/performing magic based on what you now know, what would your six 'pointers' be? Kind regards, Graham Daryl:
Graham, Wow, that’s
a tough question! For a beginner, here are six points that
I think are very important for learning and performing magic. 1)
Use magic to make people feel good (NEVER to insult, embarrass,
degrade, etc.). 2)
Keep the effects simple and easy for the audience to understand.
Remember the words of Dai Vernon "Confusion is not magic". 3)
Start with very simple magic and advance slowly but steadily.
Do not perform a new effect in front of an audience until
you can perform it properly. 5)
Learn whatever you decide to perform flawlessly. There is
no excuse for sloppy technique or presentation. 6)
If you make changes or improvements to an effect, be sure
to (eventually) contribute it back into the body of magical
knowledge. Daryl:
Thank you for inviting me to be a part of this forum and for
some great, thought provoking questions. The entire project
took me a little over 4 hours! Please visit us at our web
site www.FoolerDoolers.com/store
. Any videos you buy directly from us help to support the
originator and we also have probably the best deals and prices
in the world on my own items. Finally, we try whenever possible
to ship Daryl. Admin:
Thank you all very much for your questions. I shall now
close this forum, copy and paste all the threads and email
them for Daryl to answer when he has some spare time. Daryl
is a very busy professional magician and it is very kind of
him to take the time out off his busy schedule to attend to
this "Special Guest" forum. Thank you. Admin. |
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