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Guests - Doc Eason |
A Very Warm Welcome to Doc Eason Michael
Jay: The
first time I'd ever seen or heard of Doc Eason was at a convention,
here in Toledo, some three or four years back. I didn't know
what all the hype was about, nor did I realize that I was
soon to become a huge Doc Eason fan. I went to his lecture (I went to all the lectures) and I learned insights that I'd never stopped to consider. I learned about Kenton Knepper's "Wonderwords" and what they could do to enhance my performance. I learned a trick called, "All Screwed Up" and I still use that effect to this day, oftentimes carrying it in my pocket. I learned some really good stuff on misdirection but, most of all, I learned that honesty in your magic is of the greatest importance (and I mean honesty as in being true to yourself and doing magic that fits who you are). I was hooked, but it was a couple hours later that I really became a die-hard fan. I was sitting at the bar (jeez, whodathunkit?) having a beer during a lull in the action when the buzz suddenly started. Doc Eason was given the bar to actually do his act - the one that made him famous. He was going to be there shortly, so everyone had better get a seat. Well, no problem for me, as luck, or fate, would have it, I already had my seat. The bar was in a semi-circle set up and my seat put me just behind Doc's right shoulder, where I observed his entire show. From the rear, I got a look at some of how he did what he did, but, it wasn't until I thought about it later that I even realized these things (a regular layman wouldn't have stood a chance in hindsight). While I watched, he was able to put a card under his glass of wine no less than 5 times, and, even from behind, I never caught it. Call me easy if you will, but the man pulls you into his world and you are helpless to do anything but go along for the ride and be highly entertained. Is it any wonder that the magic world heaps so many honors upon this man named Doc Eason? The two sayings that I've taken from Doc, that I use often and consider deeply in my own magic are: 1) "Don't run if you ain't being chased." 2) "Lead them down the garden path...Then turn the hose on them!" We are honored to have Doc here over the next week. Please keep in mind that he is terribly busy (or terrifically busy, depending on your point of view) and he will get to everyone's questions, it just may take a bit of time. Please read the announcement before you post your questions, to save Doc as much time as we can and allow him to really get into the questions that we ask. So, without further ado, welcome to the boards, Doc! Mike. Sean:
A very warm welcome Doc, and thank you very much for taking
the time to answer questions. I know you're very busy and
this is very good of you Admin:
It is an honour for us to have a man of your calibre visiting
these forums. I'll like to thank you in advance for the time
and input that you have set aside for our members. I am certainly
looking forward to reading your input and learning from your
words. Thank you once again. Nigel Shelton. Rich:
I extend our thanks to you, Doc, your visit is much appreciated
and I wait in anticipation for your answers, I'm sure everyone
can learn a lot from this dk_the_magician:
I have to add I have taken a lot from Doc, his view on
dealing with audience and knowledge of entertaining them as
help me a great deal. Welcome Doc hope you have fun and thanks
for taking the time out to talk to us, our emails have helped
me a great deal thanks for all the advice. Just to let you know I doing well and a lot of it is down to the advice from you both by email and off your tapes. Darren Doc
Eason: Wow ... thanks ... now if you’ll all take your
seats... Patience is the by word for my visit here ... I am in and out all weekend with a festival right here in Basalt. I will get to the replies as soon as I can... Thanks for having me... doc nymets1006:
Welcome doc! I hope that we all get to meet you and have
a great time! Shaun
Robinson: Hi Doc, Firstly let me thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with us here on the boards. I would like to ask, how did you choose your approach to comedy? Did you, or did it find you? Your style seems to be rapid-fire jokes one after the other, so if you don’t make them laugh the first time, you'll get them the second time and so forth. Jay Sankey described in his book "Zen and the Art of Comedy" just what *funny* is to him. What is funny to you, Doc? Thanks. Doc
Eason: Hmmm. I guess the style just found me... I certainly
didn’t read a bunch of books and charge out there and try
them... I think that there is no substitute for “flight time”... time in front of an audience. I did the math a while ago... 3 shows a night x 5 nights a week x the number of weeks in a season -both summer and winter- x 26 years... I figure I have done over 14,000 shows. ..and am still doing it... I added three more just last night... certainly not all of these were knockout shows....and certainly more than a few taught me painful lessons... and since I am a slow learner, I am sure that a more astute student might have learned faster. But the fact remains that when I walk behind the bar it is like putting on an old pair of shoes... I am AT HOME. As far as the comedic style... this is just what fits me, what I feel comfortable with. As far as a style question goes... and this is interesting ...early on I found that the derby look worked for me...then I added the suspenders and bowtie... and that was “the Doctor” character... I wasn’t really aware of how much the character took over when I had the outfit on ... I was just playing me in a costume... well then some time ago.. maybe 10 years ago... I acquired a beautiful popup tie and began wearing a long tie...I didn’t think anything about shifting the character....I had some great gags with it and it became part of the ’new’ character... then last spring, I spent some time with a magic pal whose opinions I respect and he asked me “what ever happened to the Doctor?” I replied, what do you mean...I am right here...” He said, “no the character...what happened to him?” and I told him about the pop up tie etc... and he said... “YOU DON’T WANT TO FORSAKE YOUR CHARACTER JUST TO USE A FEW GAGS.” Whoa... it stopped me in my tracks... So lately when I am behind the bar... and while performing at FISM...I have taken to wearing the bow tie and braces look and he was right, the crowd reacts differently to me and I am now aware of the difference. I will still use the pop up from time to time... but the Doctor is back as a character.... This might have gotten off subject somewhat... sorry... Michael
Jay: There are several new talents on the circuit and
I know that you get around, Doc (most recently, FISM 2003).
I was wondering if you feel that there are any young magicians
who appear to be the "ones to watch." As an example,
I think that Danny Cole is a highly talented young man. Is there anyone who you feel stands heads and shoulders above the rest? Mike. Doc
Eason: wow...this
is a tricky one... Let me preface this by ...this is only my subjective opinion and so if I don’t mention someone’s name it is only because I am typing as fast as I can and may not include everyone who deserves to be included... Chris Korn is a tremendous talent. Not only does he have incredible hands but also he is developing a real comfortable style of performing. love watching him work. While not new by any means, I have to plug my pal Eric Mead...who I feel is one of the best magicians on the planet right now... he keeps to a small circle of friends and is very proprietary about material that he has work on ... as well he should... Eric has work on EVERYTHING... rumour has it he has work on the alphabet...he has it down to 23 letters... You mention Danny Cole... yes his act blows me away... such poise and style... but I am not really any kind of authority on stage magic... Let me think about this... a bit... Nathan Kranzo is a tremendous talent...he will benefit from time in front of an audience. I met Reed McClintock in Portland recently.. he is a soft-spoken but tremendously talented fellow. There are more I know...but I am bogging down in the thinking process.. there are a lot of guys out there who are very good... much better than me when it comes to technique... but I am living proof that it isn’t necessarily all about technique... personality is a huge part of it... Remember ...people don’t remember what you did, they remember how you made them feel... doc Michael
Jay: I know that Ammar collaborated with you on your Bar
Magic video trilogy and Paul Cummins was a collaborator of
your book, "Fusilade." Doc, which magicians of worthy
note have you collaborated with over the course of your career,
aside from the two mentioned? Are there any particular magicians that you'd like to work with in a business endeavour such as those above? Mike. Doc
Eason: What
a strange word...collaboration... That is an interesting question... I haven’t given that much thought to that question... I wouldn’t mind collaborating with Eric about a bar magic project... he is a tremendous source of knowledge and his comedic approach is brilliant. To that end, I hold other bar magicians like Sheets, Jamy Swiss, Stetson, Cummins, Malone, in high regard. Michael Ammar is of course a constant source of inspiration and advice. He and I are talking about the possibility of reprinting the Aspen Bar Magic issue of his Magical Arts Journal... this is long out of print and in demand... so this may be a project that might see the light of day in the not too distant future... I am definitely open to other projects that team me up with folks out there. I have contributed some things to Sisti and Kirk Charles in the restaurant field... and so I am open to offers but I am not pursuing anything active at this time -besides the Aspen bar Magic issue... I hope that answers the question... doc Kris:
Doc You have a trick called The Happy Birthday Card Trick, this is one hell of a piece of magic and I wish to firstly thank you for this contribution to the world of magic. Now to the question... you have mentioned in another post that you are happy with your repertoire however things like this obviously fall in and out, do you have any other routines which are situation specific, seasonal or just the ones you save for that time when the special client comes to the bar? (Could be your original ideas or simply some insta-snow at Christmas or that you do a Killer chop cup routine. Whatever really.) Doc
Eason: Thanks for your kind words... remember that the
happy birthday card trick is originally “remembrance of cards
past... by Max Maven..” all I did was to simplify the handling..
Occasion specific...you can’t beat the Anniversary Waltz for occasion specific... and remember... it doesn’t have to be just an anniversary couple or a wedding couple... it can be “there is something special about the bond of a mother and her son (on Mothers day) or there is something special about the bond between a father and his daughter (on Fathers day) or there is something special about the relationship of our customers and our salesmen... the point is don’t be limited to just the romantic angle... I do a Santa hat tear at Christmas... For the introduction of an engagement ring ...something I have done a bunch at the bar... I will do the All Screwed up Nuts and bolt routine... with the final appearance of the ring on the bolt ...screwed on ... that’s how I handle that occurrence... There are some routines that I reserve for those times when the high rollers comes in ... these are the routines that take a bunch of set up... and prep... like the T&R card that I perform on my new DVD...it is a bit of a hassle to prepare so I don’t do that too regularly... but that I hold in reserve for repeat customers or the “shooters”. Does this help? Doc Michael
Jay: You've spoken of a new DVD on the horizon in your
"Semi-occasional Blasts" (a Doc Eason newsletter,
for those who don't get it), but you've been fairly tight
lipped about it, so far. This may be out of line, and, if
it is, please just say so, but would you be willing to let
us in on some of the details? Will you have new material on
this, or will this be the DVD version of you bar videos? If
you have new material on the DVD, what's in store for us?
Mike. Doc
Eason: This is footage shot at the Tower this last spring...
it is live ... with a very lively and photogenic audience...
and it contains material never before seen ... the new stuff!
This is material that I have been working on SINCE the L&L
videos. It starts with an interesting history of the Tower, how it all came about 28 years ago and how I got involved and moves quickly into my color changing knife routine, the disappearing knife trick, that I open almost every show with... a card transposition that has become a cornerstone of my act...a weird sort of puzzle trick that I have been killing with!... my “bar bet” routine that has become a feature part of my act ( thanks to Bob Read and his transpo tumbler) and an obscure (but killer) torn and restored card in an envelope routine (the Thrilla from Manila) that has been frying my audiences for a few years now. I have included a second closing on the last two... to show the same trick’s ending with a different audience. I close the whole thing with a card on Ceiling montage to show the updated ending. As always, the whole thing is liberally seasoned with bits and jokes. It is a performance only video... but if you remember the first tape I produced in 1990- that didn’t have explanations either but it was one of the best selling videos ever...just because of the fun that was shown on the tape... This DVD costs $25. It is not yet on my website so if anyone is interested, the best thing to do is contact me at [email protected] Incidentally, the first pressing of the new DVD, “...after all these years”- has some serious flaws in the duplication project. This flaw manifests itself in the frames freezing and releasing - but renders the DVD unwatchable. The problem is that it plays fine on some machines and not at all on others. This is a huge mess... but the good news is that the dupe house is going to rerun the project and I can replace the disk... An additional wrinkle to this nightmare is that I sold a few of these in Holland at FISM and I have no way of knowing who has one of these defects.. Since this is an international bulletin board, perhaps you or someone you know might have one of these faulty disks... if so, please contact me and let me see if I can make this right. All that needs to be done is- if you own a disk that doesn’t play, email me and I will include your name on the re send list... I will send along a replacement disk in a week or two. Please save the box... I will send along just the disk. As far as the faulty disk, save it as a coaster...or a small frisbee to play catch with your dog. I am so sorry that this has happened. I am doing everything I can to fix it. Sean:
Hi Doc I was just wondering what your opinion is on the disqualification of Tora from FISM. Over 80% (if I recall correctly) disqualified the act. Was it really that bad? What did you think of it? Doc
Eason: I cannot speak of this because I didn’t see his
act ... I didn’t see any of the competitions... I didn’t even hear of it until well past the time it happened... all I know is what I read. I did meet Tora and he was a nice fellow ... but didn’t see him work. A P.S. here.. I will never tie myself to a table in the dealer room at FISM again... I missed so much... I’m not complaining ... I saw a lot of folks as they trouped through the room but if I had it to do over I would have seen a bunch more lectures... and sessions in the meeting rooms... doc Sean:
Hi Doc Do you still have any magical ambitions, or have you got to the point now where you have done everything you want to do magic wise? Doc
Eason: Goodness... if I have to check out tomorrow I can
say I accomplished a lot... but since I am not planning on
checking out tomorrow, I still have many ambitions in the
magic world... I still have a lot I can accomplish... I ain’t dead yet... What is it that I still want to do...? I would like to have my own magic bar at some point... I am moving gently in that direction. My speaking career is still developing. I would rather not go into details at this point... but I have a number of projects I am working on... but resting on my laurels isn’t in the cards... dk_the_magician:
Hi Doc, I’m still adding and hunting for stuff to add
to my repertoire, questions is it’s hard to add new stuff
as I know the stuff I do are winners and are audience proven.
So are you still adding stuff and how to you go about adding them and do you have any hard and fast rules about new effects (for example instant reset, angles etc) Darren Doc
Eason: I am always on the lookout for new material. And
I love to have a few new things to play with. The most recent adds (that are now ’part of the repertoire’ ) ... I am having tremendous fun with Josh Jay’s Overlap gimmick( although it isn’t really ’his’ ...he is the one however who has brought it to the front again...) I parlay this into a couple of tricks on the Malone videos-a production of four of a kind and then they turn face down...it is not a pick a card trick -the audience just watches but their jaws drop open... The wonderland bill is another relatively new one. One of the reasons I LOVE the bar (and one of the reasons I will miss it when it finally closes.) is the ability to work in new material. It is a tremendous laboratory... the perfect place to experiment with lots of stuff. The best criteria for whether I want to add something to the act is the crowd reaction... I look for the crowds reaction to a trick or routine to see if it is something I want to work on or simply drop... After this many years, I have an innate sense as to what might work or not. Resetting is not high on my list of criteria. If the effect is strong enough I don’t care too much if I have to dip behind the bar and throw a few cards in order.. I use the line... “I’m not setting these cards up ... I am just putting them where they need to be.” which gets a laugh... then I follow it with, “Don’t worry, it’s a trick, you’ll like it.” and then I false shuffle the dickens out of the deck to make it look like I was just doing it for the joke... in this way I set up a trick right in front of them, make a joke and get a laugh, throw them off kilter, and fool the hell out of them. What could be better? I will be honest... I am not adding a lot of stuff to the act... at this stage of my career, I do what I do and keep it at that. Besides, if some patrons come in to see me work and I do a whole lot of new material, they will invariably say at the end...”yeah, but could you do the lemon trick (or the card on the ceiling)... it would be a lot like people seeing Mullica and after a whole set of kick ass magic, they would say ”yeah but he didn’t eat the cigarettes!” BTW while performing at FISM I really only did the card under the glass over and over... that is what they wanted to see. And it was fun to do it for the likes of Hans Moretti, Magic Christian, Dominique Duvivier, Jack Avis, Johnny Thompson... no -it was more than fun -it was as good as it gets. Adding new material keeps thing fresh for me... but the crowds want to see the old stuff... dk_the_magician:
Thanks Doc, love the idea of doing a performance tape
only, I'm sad to say I have not seen the one done in 1990
but will add it to my wish list. Darren MagicTom:
I should point out that I started performing magic in
public in a bar where I worked, just doing the odd trick,
then I discovered your Bar Magic Videos Doc and they changed
my outlook on magic and changed the way I perform and vastly
improved both my repertoire and style. I notice on another post you say your new DVD is performance only, my question is why you have decided to do performance only. I have never seen a bad review of your Bar Magic videos and while I can see your new material will be yet further inspiration I feel so disappointed that we won't be seeing more insight into your wonderful act. Will there be Bar Magic 4? Or another such video? Regards, Tom Rose Doc
Eason: Great question...why do I produce a performance
only video project... ? What do you need to know the secrets for? I am not being flip when I say this...honest... I am guessing you have never seen my lecture... at one point I make the statement ...the trick is not the thing... ...in my mind it isn’t “the thing”. The magic we create -isn’t in the trick...it is in the space between us as humans...so as long as we are all having a good time and that we are enjoying the time together... If I take your question literally, I might extrapolate that the “inspiration” you got from my tapes means you learned a bunch of tricks from my tapes...yes? I would rather inspire you to use the videos as a starting point not the end point. Have you ever seen my first performance only video ... shot in 1990.?. I was advised that it would never sell in the magic market because it doesn’t have any explanations on it... it wasn’t a “teaching” tape but - I came to understand that it was a LEARNING tape... so many other elements were emphasized rather than the “how to”...well, no one was more surprised than me when it became a runaway best seller. Lessons on how to manage the bar patrons, how to interact with the other bartenders, how to think on your feet, were all shown as opposed to ’taught’. Let’s face it ... most of the magicians bought it for the lines... but the workers in the crowd understood it to be incredibly valuable because it showed a real crowd with real reactions to some simple tricks. I have had discussions with a few people about re releasing this original video as a DVD with some commentary ... so to obliquely answer your question, yes there may be other DVD projects in the pipeline. I have a couple of projects in mind that will appeal greatly to the workers in the crowd... like yourself, it sounds like. But first, I have to sell a few of this new DVD... (More than a few now that the snafu has occurred) I have to recoup a little on this project before I undertake another one! I don’ t mean to disappoint you by not including the how to part. I will be happy to discuss any details you need to know about the tricks. I just didn’t want to clutter up a perfectly good video with boring explanations. ( I also would like to sell some of these to my loyal bar patrons.. who don’t need to know how they’re done.) On the ’bar bet’ routine that I do, I show an alternative ending with a different audience...in one of these scenes a sharp-eyed spectator can see the ’moment’. I thought I would toss this in for folks like you... I was surprised when several people said it blew by them again ...even when they knew what to look for... !! Don’t be disappointed... there is a lot on this DVD that you can learn from... doc MagicTom:
Thanks for the interesting reply Doc. I don't think my question was very clear, it was sort of 2 points in one, firstly that your Bar Magic videos gave me the 'inspiration' to further in magic, i.e. in the bar I now learnt how to manage, nay rule the crowd and although I perform effects from the series there is no way I can perform them without significantly changing some of aspects and particularly patter, simply because English and American audiences are vastly different. I didn't actually manage to get to your lectures, but I did get a copy of the notes, they make for an interesting read. Your points on the performance only video do interest me, I think it is a superb idea; no doubt I will be buying it. I myself find it hard to visualise effects from books so to watch them on screen really helps. I think it is also crucial for new people (and experienced magicians) in magic to see how to perform for a crowd. I have seen several highly (technically) skilled magicians bore a crowd to death with a dull and lacklustre performance style, indeed most magic videos fall into this category. So to hear that a video like this is available is good news, thanks for the reply Doc. Andy
C: Hi there. I guess in a resort town you get a lot of repeat customers. Having seen all of your tapes, I imagine there are a few places where you really don't want anyone shouting out, at least not the right answer! The ending to your 3 card monte routine springs to mind. If someone watches it enough, they are bound to work it out eventually, do you get this happening, how do you prevent it, and what do you do if it does happen? Cheers Andy Doc
Eason: I do get repeat customers but they are often repeating
on the same week in January, for example. So they are not
necessarily in all the time... now we do have locals of course.
But they know to be quiet. If I get a rambunctious spectator, I will often try to engage them and with a conspiratorial wink, make them part of my team... If they insist on jumping up and down when I put the card under the glass, I will often times just tell them to let the rest of them discover it on their own. I have been told I have amazing patience and that many other folks would snap sooner and “rip someone’s throat out.” There are those times however, when some bozo takes great joy in disrupting the timing of the thing .... if that happens, I try to just walk away... it is a bit like wrestling with a pig... Do you know this?... never wrestle with a pig... first of all you get slop all over yourself and ... the pig likes it... This sage advice has served me well... in many areas of my life. doc Paul
Smith: Is there anything in your career that you would've
changed in your career? Anything you regret doing, or not
doing? Also, if you'd never become a magician, what do you
think you'd be doing right now? A good old philosophical question there Regards Paul Doc
Eason: Wow... I am not sure that there is the time or
room here to fully answer this philosophical question... What would I be doing now if it wasn’t magic...? I sure don’t know this answer, but I know it would be doing something with people. I am a people person... I imagine it would be something with sales. Would I do something different? Wow... I would have put more money away ... done more to cover myself ... I am proud of what I have accomplished and think that my legacy is worthwhile... I am still dealing with raising kids and doing the best thing that I can on that score. doc Shaun
Robinson: The effect Anniversary Waltz is one of my all
time favourite effects, whenever doing paid gigs and the situation
is right, this really is my secret weapon. If you get a chance
to look in our Library, you might actually see my version.
When it first came out, there was a lot of controversy about the ending. The fact that you are exposing the gimmick to laymen. What are your thoughts on this? Doc
Eason: Yes.. Chuck Fayne called me down in his review
in Magic about just that. he has since recanted...with reservation.
My position is this... I am against exposure as well. But I don’t think this is exposure from a layman’s standpoint. Face it, I am not putting a tt in their hand ... I am laying a zombie gimmick in their hands... the power of their love has caused the two obviously separate cards to fuse together. If you perform this for an anniversary couple who are celebrating a significant number of years together and their lives are truly intertwined and ’fused’ together, the look on the woman’s face is not one of “oh look a double faced card!” no no .. This woman is charmed beyond words. This affects people on a deeper level than any other card trick I know. To prove a point, I have followed this trick (which is hard to do ...it is a stand alone piece) with MacDonald’s Aces ( which uses the same gaff) and NO ONE makes the leap. So do I do any damage by giving out the card (and the gaff)? I don’t think so... I think the emotional reaction that this trick generates is so strong that it overshadows the question of exposure. I could be wrong and am open to discussing this further... doc Paul
Smith: In the thread named "achievements", you
said that you had achieved a lot in your career. Which of
all these achievements would you have considered to be your
greatest ever achievement? Regards Paul Doc
Eason: This is a real tough question... it is hard to
rank the things I have done into any kind of hierarchy...
My three kids are ongoing achievements... seeing them develop into adults is an amazing thing... Through just showing up to work, I have established a record of sorts .... 26 years at the same venue is nothing to be sneezed at... while this isn’t something I set out to do... I have done it and I am pretty proud of that... In doing that, I have touched many lives. I have been woven into the ’fabric of life’ for many of my patrons over the years... this is quite special. Though I might not be able to get back to you, this is a question that I will continue to mull over in the future. Paul
Smith: Thanks for answering these questions Doc, it's
been great reading My basic question is, do you feel magic is sometimes held back by certain aspects? Is there anything you would like to be able to change about the world of magic in order to make it better in some way? Doc
Eason: I don’t know what could be done to improve the
world of magic. If more magicians would focus on that space between us as humans rather than just do tricks... that would be good. doc Andy
C: Hi there. I've been a big fan of the Doc's for a couple of years now. Since I first bought his bar magic series. This fanship (Is that a word?) was increased when I attended his lecture and master class last year. Great information, freely given. As soon as I found out about his new release I ordered it. It arrived a few days ago, and I started watching it this morning, (My birthday, 44, thanks for asking.) I had been emailed by the Doc to warn of a possible glitch in the disc. After 5 minutes or so the glitch showed itself, and unfortunately I can't watch the entire Disc. My Point. How many other dealers would alert their customers to a possible problem, and offer a fix with one email. No returns, no postage no problem. Indeed how many would even tell their customers, After all, a large proportion would probably not bother to complain, and indeed if they did, I can think of some dealers who would just say, "It plays fine here, It must be your machine." NOT the Doc! A really ethical guy Cheers Andy PS On the 5 minutes I have seen, Great lines, Brilliant Colour changing Knife routine, To the point, Funny, magical and entertaining. Like all of his stuff. Can't wait to see the rest! Doc
Eason: As a person who sells stuff to the magic community,
I really don’t think I had any choice in the matter... I have
to make it right otherwise get a reputation of not caring
about my customers... and that ain’t me... By the way, I am still hassling with the re do project... hopefully it’ll be done by mid-September. Thanks for the kind words, Andy... doc Sean:
Hi Doc Kind of a general question here, but what, in your opinion, are the defining qualities of a magician? Doc
Eason: This is only my opinion... I think the magician should be presentable, pleasant, friendly, glib, competent in the magical arts... I think it is important to be able to converse with people on subjects other than magic. I don’t believe that you have to be a magician 24/7... doc Michael
Jay: A
big "Thank You" to Doc Eason for taking his time
with us over the last week. I know he still has to get to
these last few, but we knew there would be a bit of a lag
toward the end. Don't worry, though, if you have a question
out-standing, then it shall be seen to! Today is the last day for questions, so, if you got 'em, you only have a short time to ask 'em! Mike. Admin:
A hearty thank you from myself too. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading these threads and I have learnt a great deal in the process. I would like to thank Doc Eason for taking the time to visit these boards and for leaving such a wealth of information. A vote of thanks to you, Doc Eason, your time and input was very greatly appreciated. Sean:
Thanks a lot Doc. We know how busy you are and it's great
that you've taken the time out of your schedule to do this.
Thanks a lot Rich:
Although I haven't asked any questions, I have certainly
learnt a great deal from your answers, thank you again for
your time here JohnStevens:
I've got quite a lot of info from reading the archives!
I'm just sad I missed Docs visit Doc
Eason: Just returned from Houdini days in Appleton WI...
what a great time... it was a great hang with Finney, Aldo,
Bargatze, Ammar, Joshua Jay, Gene Anderson and a whole host
of other folks... Packing to go off to Ft Collins and Magic in the Rockies... juggling a lot of stuff ...so I apologize for not being more available... |
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