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Guests - Peter Eggink |
A Very Warm Welcome to Peter Eggink Nigel Shelton I would like to offer a very warm welcome to our latest "Special Guest":
Peter Eggink. Peter will be visiting this site during the week starting
Monday 25th October and I for one shall be very interested to browse
through any questions that you may wish to post in this forum and to
read the replies that Peter may add. Peter's name is well
known in the field of magician, being synonymous with both the performance
of magic and the creation of some of the most amazing magical effects. Peter's interest in
magic spans back to the age of four, when he was given a magic set by his
parents. Since then he has won many prizes at numerous national and international
magic conventions and has been involved with the professional performance
of magic since the age of nineteen. Many established magicians
will have already heard of Peter's name through his involvement in the creation
of some of the most creative and imaginative magical effects on the market:
Only last week, Peter's
second (and latest) DVD was released, called "Invisible Reality." You
may have also seen or heard of Peter's first DVD, "Strangers Like me," a
compilation of previous marketed effects. To produce a DVD of magical effects
is quite an accomplishment for any individual but to have two credited to
your name is a remarkable achievement for anyone connected with this business. If you are interested,
you can find more about the above effects at: I would like to take
this opportunity to thank Peter for his very kind offer in visiting this
site and answering our questions. I am convinced that every member of Magic
Bunny will find this stay interesting, as well as very enjoyable, and I am
sure that there is a great deal that we can all learn from Peter's input. LeeAlex A great big welcome
to Peter, who goes from strength to strength. I first "met" Peter when his first effect came out - The Melt Change - from then on he has really developed an incredible talent and is surely one of the most aspiring young inventors of this century. Looking forward to a great special guest and more effects from a brilliant mind. McDermott Thank you for taking the time to talk
to us and I'm sure we will all learn something. I look forward to hearing
from you. Michael Jay Thank you for taking time out of your
busy schedule to be with us, Peter. I look forward to reading the Q&A!
Welcome to our forums. Mike. Cybernettr I'm looking forward to participating
in my first Magic Bunny "Special Guest" event and what a magical
time to have it too - Hallowe'en week! B Wester Thank you for visiting these boards. Peter Eggink Thanks so much for the warm welcome,
guys! I appreciate it. I will do my best
to answer all the questions you may have. I'm looking forward to hear from
you, so let's get started! Thanks for having
me. Later, Peter LeeAlex Admin, Could we not find
a more recent picture of Peter! The existing one does him no justice! Nigel Shelton Hello Lee - the photograph that you mentioned
was passed to me by Peter yesterday evening. (Note the "edit" below
my post when I added the photo!) After having read
your comments, Peter has now kindly passed a second photograph to me. This
is now displayed above. LeeAlex That's more like it! Peter Eggink I'm glad you like it, Lee Peter M_B Welcome, Peter. Glad to have you around.
Welcome aboard! Michael Challenges and Rewards B Wester It’s good to read about someone who has
such a wealth of experience in so many different fields. Which of these
areas; the creation of effects, the retail sale of effects, the performance
of magic, the production of DVDs... would you say gives you the most challenges
and rewards Peter Eggink B Webster, The most challenging
part would be the creative part. As for performing,
I know what my abilities are presentational wise, but it's always a big challenge
to "crack a nut", and to actually realize and visualise a desired
effect. I never know which method I'm going to use and if it will work though. I get rewards from
a lot of things. One of them is, of course, actually performing magic, but
also the good reviews and endorsements that I receive for my products. That
really makes all the hard work worth it, and the reason that I keep sharing
my magic with the rest of the community. Thanks for your question! Peter Problems of Creating Effects B Wester First of all, thank you for visiting
these boards with your input – it is greatly appreciated. May I ask about your
business in the creation of magic effects? Copyright and the problems of
intellectual theft are issues that concern me. Have any of your ideas been
taken and modified without your consent. If they have, what actions (apart
from the threat of an impeding lawsuit) have you been able to take against
the offender? Peter Eggink Thanks, B Wester. The only issue I experienced
was with the "Meltchange" download link. Unfortunately there's
a lot of web piracy going on these days and due to that fact the download
link was traded around in no time. I simply took it off
the Internet and included it on my DVD "Strangers Like me". Of
course they will copy the DVD's etc. but a download link is much easier to
pass around - in fact it's only a few "clicks" away. No, you can't do much
about this as these things just happen. The only thing you can do is hoping that the purchaser will respect the creator.... Peter Magical LeeAlex Although only a relatively small country Who inspired you and
how? In another post you say you lost a "childhood dream" when
you sold your illusions. Who was it that put this dream in your head and
how did you go about making this into your stage show? Peter Eggink I was inspired by Fred Kaps and Richard
Ross, in fact I still am. Both Kaps and Ross
knew how to present magic - also because of their "Bold" style
of magic. (They didn't make "steals" but they just "grabbed" it. Brilliant!) Of course David Copperfield
was of great influence during that time. I wanted to be on stage and telling my audiences “stories” using the art of magic and beautiful female assistants. LOL It was me who believed
in that dream, and I still do, but now on a different level. You don't have
to be an illusionist with a touring stage show to be a "star",
to tell your audiences "stories" and receive the rewards and respect
that we all need. I hope this makes
sense. Thanks, Lee Peter LeeAlex Many magicians I am sure are burning
to ask the same question. Where do you get Bicycle
cards printed for packet effects - and what are the minimum quantities? Any information would
be greatly appreciated! Peter Eggink Hi Lee, The US Playing Card
Company does custom print jobs. As far as I know they do a minimum run of
5000 cards. Peter Sleightly Magical Tom When you started out did you just plunge
in and get 5000 decks hoping to sell them or did a company fund you?
It seems like a huge commitment to make. Peter Eggink When I decide to market an effect that
needs a custom print job, I first make the wholesale arrangements with
my distributor. The agreement should
be constructed in such way, that the distributor would purchase the amount
of units from that particular effect, which will at least cover the costs
for the print job involved. My distributor, (Murphy's in this case) also
makes the arrangements with the USPCC. I hope this answered
your question. All the best, Peter Marketing LeeAlex You have gone from
strength to strength with your excellent booklets and card gimmicks. There
is not a dealer who doesn't seem to supply your material. (For anyone who
is not familiar with Peter Eggink's card work, it is presented in a top-notch
way, which seeps quality, precise instructions and practability). Could you give us
a few pointers on how you went about bringing your ideas from being dreams
to the hands of the customer (and all the stages in between)? Peter Eggink Hi Lee, nice talking to you again! Well, marketing your
own effects is an interesting process - for me that is.
To start, allow me to try to explain the creative part. I "found" my
own creativity when I decided to sell my illusions, and to quit my stage
show. Unfortunately at that time (3 years ago) I was a kind of forced to
do so. Of course we all know
that quitting is impossible, magic is an addiction and thank God it is! While
sitting in front of the TV, I developed my handling of a colour change, which
I called the "Meltchange" and I decided to offer my change/handling
to the magic community as an instant download video. Man, this got me some
huge reactions and endorsements from amateurs and professionals around the
world! That was the moment that I found the button inside my head that said, "Be
creative". "Transferred" followed soon afterwards. I'm glad that my stage
show never worked out after all. Today, I have a very
close relationship with Murphy's Magic. They have the worldwide distribution
rights of my effects and DVDs. (It is a blast to work with these guys, not
to mention that they are very helpful). One of the most important
things of marketing is research. Is it new, done before, different enough? etc. Make sure your material is top notch: Strong, visual, good quality print work etc. I have the luck, that
my brother does all the artwork for me as it is his job. He creates all the
packaging, cover designs etc. Usually, all units will be packaged
after the print job and shipped to Murphy's. Once they receive it, they put
it up on their website to offer it to dealers worldwide. I would be typing
for hours to describe the whole process in detail, but I hope this has answered
your question a bit? Thanks, Lee! Peter LeeAlex Cheers Peter! A great decision that
you decided not to quit magic - the magic community would be a much sadder
place without the young dynamic talent of creators such as yourself and Peter
Loughran. Keep up the good work
buddy! Peter Eggink Thanks for the praise, Lee! I appreciate
it. Peter Creating effects Davetolomy When inventing new magic how do you go
about creating them? Is there a special way to do it or do effects just
come to you? Tom Peter Eggink Hi Tom, It's kind of hard
to explain but I'll try. It usually starts
with an effect that I would like to accomplish and then I try to find the
best method I can. This can take a couple of days - but also months and sometimes
even years. Ideas for effects
can come from older existing ideas and principles, but mostly they just pop
up in my mind. Thanks for your question,
Tom! Later, Peter Advice McDermott Hi Peter, I think it's great
you are taking the time to talk to us and I thank
you very much. However, if there
was someone out there, (*wink wink, nudge nudge*) who was hoping to build
their own tricks, what is the best piece (or pieces) of advice you could
give them? Once again, thank you Peter. - Fin Peter Eggink If you want to create your own magic,
first of all set your self a goal. This could be an effect or slight
that you would like to establish. (Not too many, just one goal at the
time.) Focus your mind only on your goal. Once you have set
you goal, set yourself a deadline; a date when you want to have the method or solution for your desired effect. Very important is that you should never want to rush this process. Allow yourself to think things over. (With this process, you will simply "program" your brain). Don't give up if it
doesn't work out the very first time. Try again and try again. Believe me,
it really pays off. Every nut can be cracked. The most important
factor is that you'll have to believe. Believe you can and you can I hope this helps. Success! Peter New effects? Peter Loughran Hi Peter, I was wondering what new effects
you are thinking of bringing out in the future? Also have you thought
about releasing any large-scale illusions? Your
friend, Peter. Peter Eggink Hey Peter, Nice to see you again! Here are some new
effects who are scheduled to be released from December
2004 through may 2005:
I do have ideas for
large scale Illusions. (I believe that I have some rough drawings somewhere.) Basically my mind
is set on close-up magic, which is my "true love". Thereby, manufacturing
of stage illusions can be a real issue. (I know you do a great job on manufacturing.) But, as for me releasing
large-scale illusions? Hmm, I'm not saying that it will never happen, but
I don't have anything concrete planned for in the near future. Maybe we can fuse
our minds, and work on a project together someday. Cheers, Mate! Peter Peter Loughran Well it would be cool to see some of
your ideas for stage be released! I will wait
patiently my friend. I was wondering though
if you could give us any insight on the new effects you mentioned, if it
doesn't spoil anything. P. Peter Eggink No Problem, Peter. Here are some brief
descriptions: "Ace Oddity" is
my take on the four ace routine. The perfect ending for
McDonalds Aces or just as a cool packet trick. When the leader ace
is placed facedown, the remaining aces turn magically facedown as well, one
at the time. When they are turned face-up again all the pips are gone, leaving
three blank cards! The leader ace is turned face-up, only to reveal that
all the pips joined - the Ace of Spades! "Touched by an
Angel”: The angels on the back of a signed Bicycle card visually become invisible, and re-appear! "Ripped-Up" is
a new "Flash Restoration" T&R card routine. "Heatwave" allows you to "melt" the face image of a spectator's
selection away! "B-sandwiched" is
my take on the classic " The “wrong‘ card appears between two jokers. Visually and magically, the “wrong” card changes into the spectator’s signed selection! Seeing is (not) believing! Cheers, Peter Daleshrimpton Any non-card items? Peter Eggink I love card magic. That's the reason
why I come up with a lot of card stuff. However, I do have some other
non-card projects up my sleeve. Peter Hi Peter Garethwitty I think we once spoke on "Sleightgeek" a
little while ago, I don’t know if you have spoken to da5id, but the site
has now been hacked twice and has been closed down for good. But back
to the question: What direction do
you see magic in going in? I know we have seen a surge of TV programs like
T.H.E.M and Monkey Magic appear but these seem to be knocked around on several
forums. I would like to know your thoughts. Peter Eggink Hi Gareth, Yes, we did spoke
before on Sleightgeek. I know the site was hacked, but again? It's a shame. Copperfield, David
Blaine, Darren Brown, T.H.E.M and even our friend Valentino (aka the Masked
magician) all contributed on their way to our little community and definitely
helped making the art of magic more popular then ever before. Personally I think
magic stays "alive" this way, and even becomes "younger".
I guess we'll have to wait and wonder in which direction it is exactly going
to Peter Garethwitty Very true, it’s kind of funny but, with
all the current trends in the films, television and even computer games,
a lot of people still like to see live performances by magicians, something
which technology cannot beat. But
what about technology in magic? Peter Eggink Technology is a great powerful "tool" in
magic, especially for large stage productions. They simply can't run
without it. As for technology
in platform and close-up magic, I do prefer to create miracles with my own
hands though, but sometimes you don't have a choice. Thanks to technology
we are almost able to perform some "real" magic. Yes, I use it
too. Peter Garethwitty I am now starting use more slight of
hand than gimmicks but I still love to use them. I would also like to
know what you think of the Black Tiger decks, some seem to love them
(me included) and other seem to have a great hate for them. I have noticed
those who don’t like Ellusionist, don’t like anything they do. I do like
Brad Christian and have several of his DVDs. Peter Eggink The Black Tiger decks look great, but
personally I would never use them in real life performances, because they have a kind of "suspicious" look. That's not what you want your spectators to think. Just my opinion though. I'm not that familiar
with Ellusionist, but from what I've heard Brad does a great job on teaching. Peter Sinogeek Hi Peter! Let me say that I
am really enjoying reading the various questions and your responses. As for Black Tigers
looking 'suspicious', this has been echoed a hundred times over, but what
do you think of reversing the psychology and using it to your advantage? For example I like
to use them for some small packet effects that are almost sleight free, tell
the spectators that I bought these in a magic shop and that they are by no
means ordinary cards. One of my favourites
is "Follow me" by Ron Fredrick. Here the spectator’s selection
always turns face up in their own hands with no sleights at all! Afterwards however, they can examine the cards and still spend a long time wondering just how they are gimmicked when actually there is none. So, if the suspicion
is there, justify it in reverse and keep them guessing. Good luck with your
new effects. Terry. Peter Eggink Hi Terry, thanks for dropping a line! I'm positive that
you can take advantage of their "suspicious" look, and make it
work somehow. No doubt about that. Personally I would not use them in general, I guess it's a personal thing though. Best, Peter Garethwitty What cards do you use Peter? Just being
curious? Peter Eggink Gareth, I prefer regular Bikes
or Aviators. Peter Garethwitty I like Bikes the best then black backed
bikes (which feel like Bees but have the Bike design) and the normal
Bees, then the old Tiger decks, which after six months of use still fan
and feel like new. Cheers dude Yet to be experienced Felix Hello Peter... First, thank you so
much for taking out time to be here. My questions are: Now that you have
achieved a measurable amount of accomplishment and success do you feel that
there is something still on the horizon yet to be experienced for you in
magic? Do you have a dream
unattained that carries you forward? How would you like
to see yourself in the future and also how would you like to be remembered? Respectfully
Felix. Peter Eggink Felix, Thanks for your time
to post your questions. There are definitely
some things on the horizon. I would love to perform in Las Vegas someday and it would be awesome to do a world lecture tour
(which will probably start next year.) My dream is to maintain
my happiness and healthiness. I'm also looking forward to marry my girlfriend and to have a baby child with her. (A little Peter of course so I can give him a magic set when he's four years old. Lol.) I truly think that
our goal in our lives is to "find" ourselves and to become happy
as a human being. I would like to see
myself in the future as a happy and healthy human being and a successful
magician, who keeps contributing to our community and trying to raise the
bar in magic. How I would like to
be remembered? I hope that I will have a lot of time left to work on that Peter Garethwitty But my wife and I have just come back
from Peter Eggink I've been in Vegas three times but not
for actual performances. It indeed is a great place to be. I'm planning to go back in July next year. Peter Garethwitty So are we. We have only done half the
strip but go to the Paris Hilton and check out the Star Trek Interactive
rides - they are ace! We hope to go back
next year but will need to save. It could mean cutting down on spending for
magic but I do have a lot of DVDs to go through and learn from (and our local
magic club) so it’s not so bad. Felix Thank you, Peter, for the great answers. As, for being remembered,
I know you still have a lifetime to work on it but I am sure it will be for
your integrity as a human being as well as your contribution to the art of
magic. I was in Vegas in
July. It was 46 degrees C. Great fun just the same. I stayed at the Mirage.
Sig and Please keep us posted
on your lecture schedule. Kindest Regards, Felix. Peter Eggink Well, Thank you Felix I'll sure keep you
all posted! All the best, Peter Since I suggested
you being here!!!! Alan Rorrison What is the music that inspires you and
makes you create? Just now for me it is heavy metal; Orbital but don’t
ask. Since I was the one who got you here with out any credit I feel
I should ask! Alan Peter Eggink Hi Alan, Nice to hear from you I love music from
the 80s and, since I'm a huge Phil Collins fan, I play his records most of
the time. For me, his "sound" creates the perfect atmosphere, and
it gives me inspiration. Cheers, Peter Chabang Actually Peter was tempted to the boards
by member Lee Alex, who is fast becoming a sort of on-line Ali-Bongo LeeAlex Is that good or bad? Chabang Well, if you find yourself wearing crazy
stage costumes and increasingly outrageous woolly jumpers in real life
and attending every convention on the planet then it's a bad thing If however it's because you seem to know everyone then take
it as a good thing. I am very grateful to Lee who started
the ball rolling by contacting Peter privately to see whether he would
be receptive for me to email him with more details about this “Special
Guest” project. Lee has been very active behind the scenes with his vast
directory of relevant contacts and he established several new and exciting
future contacts for Magic Bunny. Some of these will be visiting these
boards over the next six months or so in the form of our next "Special
Guests." Thank
you Lee. Peter Eggink Hi Alan, Yes, I remember that
you contacted me a while back, with the question if I would be willing to "guest
speak" on a magic board. However I didn't knew you
where talking about Magic Bunny as you didn't mentioned which board. LOL!
Well, I guess Lee was simply ahead of you. Cheers, Peter LeeAlex Thank you Nigel for Magic Bunny and thank
you Tom (Chabang) but outside I don't wear strange
jumpers - so I guess it is a good thing! Last Orders Please This is just to remind you that Peter's
time will be coming to an end very soon. If you have any burning questions,
please get them posted by Saturday evening (GMT) so that Peter may have
an opportunity to respond before the end of the week. This has been a thoroughly
interesting week. It has been a delightful insight, investigating how the
world of magic and the creation of effects work together and I have certainly
enjoyed reading the questions and replies of all the posts in this forum
- I hope that you have too. A very warm thank
you to Peter for his input so far, to what has been a remarkable week of
thoroughly enjoyable discussions. Peter Eggink I also would like to take the opportunity
to thank the Magic Bunny team and all Magic Bunny members for making
the last week a great week. It was really a very
enjoyable experience and I absolutely will return to this great board sometimes. Thanks again everyone! All the best, Peter Eggink "Thank you!" LeeAlex Peter. Don't know when your
week will end, but in advance a big thank you for all the time you put into
the forum this week. I am sure it has made
interesting reading for all, and I for one have certainly enjoyed having
you here. Here's to a bright
future and wishing you continued success. I shall be contacting
you privately very soon. Michael Jay I would also like to thank you for taking
your time on these forums Peter. It's been a pleasure having you here
and I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your well thought answers to the
questions that have been posed. I hope that your road is always smooth
for you Peter and wish you great success in all that you do. Take care. Mike. Peter Eggink Thanks, Guys. I'm glad to hear that
it was as enjoyable for you, as it was for me! Thanks for making it work.
All the best, Peter Eggink Normally, at this stage at the end of
a week, I start a thread called “Thank you” in order to publicly thank
the guest speaker for their time and input. This “Thank you” thread is
left open for a few days in an otherwise locked forum so that other members
may add their thanks as well. The other threads in the forum are then
locked so that the “Special Guest” is not embarrassed by having further
submitted questions or comments that need replying – at a time when their
busy schedule dictates that it is time for them to move onto their own
work. This week, I see that Lee (and Mike) have beaten
me to this chore. What a kind gesture for Peter – it is so very rare
that other members are so grateful for a guest’s input that they beat
me to the construction of a “Thank you” thread. This just goes to show
how receptive and appreciative Magic Bunny members have been of Peter’s
input to these boards. No thread in this
forum has gathered less than 40 views, members have been very quick to thank
Peter for his time and I have witnessed a great deal of positive feedback
regarding this project – what a great complement for Peter. May I add my own voice
of thanks to Peter for his time spent at these boards and the input that
he has provided. This has been a thoroughly enjoyable
week and I have learnt a great deal in the process. Thank you Peter for your
input I am very grateful. |
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